Foreign,Commonwealth and Development Office
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Foreign Secretary embarks on 'Europe week'

Foreign Secretary William Hague has embarked on a week long series of visits to European capitals.

Mr Hague announced the visits during the European Affairs debate on 3 June.

The Foreign Secretary’s first destination was Paris, where he met with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Sunday 6 June.

Whilst travelling to Paris Mr Hague was asked by the BBC's Today programme about how other European countries would find the British coalition Government's approach to Europe. In response, Mr Hague said:

"They will find that Britain’s new coalition Government is very, very active in European affairs and proposing European solutions to many of our problems in the world."

Upon departing Paris, the Foreign Secretary travelled to Rome on June 7, for a joint press conference with Italian Foreign Minister Frattini.

From Rome he will travel to Berlin, to meet with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, finally ending his trip in Warsaw, where he will attend discussions with Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski.

Minister for Europe David Lidington is visiting mainland Europe on 7 June.  He will travel to Stockholm in order to meet with Sweden's Europe Minister Birgitta Ohlsson and Poland’s Europe Minister, Mikolaj Dowgieliewicz, as well as Anna Kinberg Batra, Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary EU Scrutiny Committee. Whilst in Stockholm, Mr Lidington will deliver a speech entitled  'Getting Europe back to work' at the Swedish Institute for Business and Policy Studies (SNS).

Further information

'Vigorously advancing our country's interests': Read the Foreign Secretary's opening speech at the European Affairs debate

Minister for Europe David Lidington's blog

British Embassy in Paris

British Embassy in Rome

British Embassy in Berlin

British Embassy in Warsaw


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