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The Renewables Advisory Board welcomes publication of the government's consultation on its proposed renewable energy strategy

The Renewables Advisory Board welcomes publication of the government's consultation on its proposed renewable energy strategy

DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND REGULATORY REFORM News Release (2008/129) issued by The Government News Network on 26 June 2008

RAB agrees with Government that rapid development of a wide range of renewables is essential to the nation's future energy strategy. Alongside energy saving this offers the fastest route to our low carbon, reduced fossil fuel future.

The consultation document proposes some radical changes to current policy which are urgently required if the UK's renewable energy targets are to be met. It addresses many of the key challenges which were recently identified by RAB in its own vision for 2020. Translation of the consultation into firm policy and legislation must be a Government priority.

Strong political leadership will be required to implement the necessary policy changes within a very demanding timescale. RAB believes that the public are ready to support that lead. This consultation suggests that Government is ready to give that lead.

RAB will be responding to the document and will continue to assist Government in development and implementation of its renewables strategy.

Notes for Editors:

1. The Renewables Advisory Board (RAB) provides advice to Government on a wide range of renewable energy issues. The board is an independent, non-departmental public body sponsored by the UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), that brings together government departments, financial institutions, academia, the renewables industry and the unions.

2. It aims to provide the Secretary of State with independent, impartial and authoritative advice on policies, programmes and measures, to improve Government understanding of the obstacles and opportunities for the development and deployment of renewable technologies in the UK, both in the short-term and over the next 20 years, and make specific recommendations.

3. RAB recently published its report '2020 Vision' setting out how 15% renewable energy could be achieved in the UK by the year 2020. This is available at

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