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Chatham House - International Affairs November 2013 Issue

Ahead of the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the new issue of International Affairs explores what his presidency can teach us about the future of global leadership.

Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute, argues that Kennedy’s commencement speech at the American University in June 1963 marked the beginning of an episode of peacemaking that ‘arguably helped to save the world’. Professor Campbell Craig also writes on the legacy of President Kennedy, examining his various peace-seeking initiatives in the months following the Cuban Missile Crisis, such as the signing of the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and Michael Dunne considers his work on countering revolution in Latin America through the ‘Alliance for Progress’.

The Antarctic will be subject to ‘intensifying and diversifying resource exploitation’, write authors Klaus Dodd and Alan Hemmings, in an article warning that the Antarctic Treaty System is increasingly under challenge. Duncan Depledge also considers the contradictions in the UK’s activities in the Arctic at a time of unprecedented change for the region.

Elsewhere, David Hastings Dunn and Mark JL McClelland examine the resurgence of the US energy sector and look at the potential geopolitical impact of American energy self-sufficiency.

Notes to Editors

The featured article in the current issue is Shale gas and the revival of American power: debunking decline? by David Hastings Dunn and Mark JL McClelland. This article is free for non-members to read.

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