Sport England
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National Governing body outcomes 2009/13

Sport England plans to invest £480 million in 46 sports over the next four years to deliver grassroots sporting opportunities and a lasting Olympic and Paralympic legacy of one million people playing more sport.

Sports’ national governing bodies (NGBs) have been awarded funding based on the contribution they will make to the three outcomes we are focused upon - to grow and sustain participation in sport and to create opportunities for people to excel at their chosen sport.

The overall amount invested directly into NGBs has increased and responsibility for delivery has been placed in the hands of each governing body, with clear targets agreed on a sport-by-sport basis.

The main targets are as follows:


Individual NGBs have been commissioned to increase the number of adults taking part in their sport at least once a week, for a minimum of 30 minutes, at moderate intensity. The principle measure for the ‘grow’ outcome is our participation survey, Active People.

NGBs have been commissioned to increase the number of young people aged between five and 19 participating in sports clubs by 484,000 by 2012/13. Each of the NGBs has also agreed to targets that will see the number of young sports leaders and volunteers increasing by 57,000 over the same period.


The principle measure for the ‘sustain’ outcome is our satisfaction survey, which first reported in June 2009.

In addition, nine sports have been commissioned to deliver our target on ‘drop-off’, by taking action to reduce the number of young people giving up sport between the ages of 16 and 18. The nine sports are as follows: badminton; basketball; football; gymnastics; hockey; netball; rugby league; rugby union; and tennis.


About 25 per cent of our investment will focus on systems and pathways to accelerate talent development. The four-year plans developed by funded NGBs set out how each sport will improve its talent development systems. These ‘excel’ outcomes reflect the different needs, challenges and opportunities facing individual sports.

A summary of the headline outcomes for funded governing bodies can be found here

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