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PwC comment on Lord Davies report

Sarah Churchman, PwC's director of diversity, commented on the findings of the Lord Davies report into women on boards:

"The report gives business a map and a destination, but leaves it up to companies to make their own plans on how to get there.

"Targets are a great way to set how you'll get there. But we're not about achieving a target at all costs. it drives the wrong behaviours, and does not address the underlying blockers. For example you could see a business simply recruit in lots of senior women, rather than developing them through the ranks. That would simply act as a disincentive to those at more junior levels to see internal candidates overlooked to reach a target.

"At PwC we focus on what drives the behaviours behind the decisions being made. The blockers are conscious and subconscious. For example, we have women who want to be partner, but it's not in their nature to push themselves forward and have that first conversation. Waiting for a tap on the shoulder gets you nowhere.

"There are three blockers to women's progress; they haven't been asked, they haven't said they want to progress, or they don't have the confidence in their capabilities. Diversity needs to be embedded at every stage of development so that the pipeline of women coming through our business begins when they join an organisation.

"Role models have a major role to play in our profession. Women need to see successful women in action. Without these role models, the view and ambition of how far women can push themselves is limited."

For more information contact:

Renee Wilson
PR Corporate Manager, PwC
Tel:020 7804 7080

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