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New voluntary deal to fund problem gambling research, education and treatment

New voluntary deal to fund problem gambling research, education and treatment

DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT News Release (89/09) issued by COI News Distribution Service on 9 June 2009

Sports Minister Gerry Sutcliffe today announced a new voluntary funding arrangement to bring in at least £15 million over the next three years for the research, education and treatment of problem gambling.

The Responsibility in Gambling Trust will continue to raise funds from the gambling industry, and are committed to raising over £5m every year from now until 2012/13. A new body, the Responsible Gambling Fund, has been set up to distribute the money.

Mr Sutcliffe said:

"I am very pleased that we have managed to secure the future of this important work, without the need for new legislation. I have been particularly impressed with the industry's commitment to social responsibility and the fact that millions of pounds have already been pledged.

"It is right that the new fundraisers are ambitious in their plans to get over £5 million per year. We need the whole industry to sign up to help support those with gambling addiction problems and to provide better preventive education.

"I am confident that the new structure will be successful. But if, in the coming months, it becomes clear that it is not working then I will not hesitate to bring in a statutory levy. The protection of vulnerable people remains my number one priority and I will not be giving the industry a second chance to put this right."

The recently-created Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB), chaired by Baroness Julia Neuberger, will work with the new distributor and will set priorities for research, education and treatment.

Notes to Editors

1. The Minister's Written Ministerial Statement, which gives further detail on this announcement, is available on the DCMS website at

2. More information on the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) is available on the Gambling Commission's website at

3. The Responsibility in Gambling Trust (RIGT) was established in 2002 and since May 2009, following a restructuring of the organisation, it has concentrated solely on fundraising. It will continue to collect donations from gambling licence holders as well as from industries that profit from gambling.

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