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White Van Man goes Green

White Van Man goes Green

DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORT News Release (069) issued by COI News Distribution Service on 8 June 2009

Van buyers will find it easier to cut emissions and save money due to a new van CO2 data base launched by Transport Secretary Andrew Adonis today.

The online database - the biggest of its kind in Europe - has been compiled by the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA), Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), and Department for Transport (DfT). It allows users to search for new van models on the UK market and compare their CO2 emissions and the fuel consumption.

Vans make up around 15% of road transport emissions in the UK and their emissions are rising at the highest rate of any road vehicle. If everybody buying a new van bought the most fuel efficient model in its class the average buyer could save up to 17% on both CO2 emissions and fuel costs.

Launching the database at the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership's annual conference in London today, Transport Secretary Andrew Adonis said:
"It's important to help motoring consumers make the right choice, both for themselves and for the environment.

"This database is good news for van buyers - it gives them access to emissions and fuel consumption information that could well shape the van they choose, as well as enable them to cut emissions and save money.

"At a time when the Government is working hard to create a stable financial environment to encourage long-term investment in the motoring industry this tool is also good news for van producers by stimulating interest and demand in the models they make."

Speaking on behalf of the industry, SMMT chief executive Paul Everitt said:

"Van makers are all committed to providing information that will help buyers make better informed choices and this database provides a level playing field for easy comparison. We believe that our efforts in assisting government departments compile this information will not only impact positively on tailpipe CO2 emissions but will also help buyers select the most economical vehicle they need for their business."

The database can be accessed on the Business Link website alongside tips for van buyers on how to choose the right van for their needs and how to save fuel costs from the way they use the vehicle

Notes to editors

1. The Van CO2 and Fuel Consumption database can be found here Business Link provides information, advice, and support to start, maintain, and to grow a business. Business Link can be accessed online at or by calling the National Help Line on 0845 600 9 006.

2. The online database has been compiled by the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA), Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) and funded by Department for Transport (DfT).

3. The database includes data for complete N1 (light goods vehicles with gross vehicle weight below 3,500kg) type approved vans currently on the UK market. Multi-stage builds and chassis cabs are not included as type approval data is unavailable.

4. All vehicles sold on the UK market must adhere to EU type approval legislation. A standard test cycle is used to determine fuel consumption (urban and extra urban) and CO2 and air pollutant exhaust emissions.

5. Vans make up around 15% of road transport emissions in the UK and their emissions have increased by 331.9% since 1970, the largest percentage increase by any road transport mode. They contributed 3.6% of total UK CO2 emissions in 2006 in comparison to 0.7% in 1970 and 1.8% in 1990. Sources - AEA Energy & Environment/Defra (NAEI); Office for National Statistics (Environmental Accounts)

6. The Government has already committed around £400 million of support to encourage development and uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles.
* £23 million for the TSB Low Carbon Vehicle Innovation Platform - phase 1
* £100 million for the TSB Low Carbon Vehicle Integrated Delivery Programme
* £20 million for the DfT Low Carbon Vehicle Public Procurement Programme
* £250 million for the DfT EV consumer incentive package

7. The SMMT van buying and users guide, Right Van Man, giving top ten tips on how to cut running costs and CO2 emissions from light commercial vehicles by altering the way the vehicle is driven, can be downloaded from the 'Industry reports' section of or hard copies can be requested from the SMMT press office.

8. For more information on the UK motor industry, visit or

9. Note to broadcasters: SMMT and DfT have their own ISDN studio

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