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Next steps in tackling regulation reform

Next steps in tackling regulation reform

DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND REGULATORY REFORM News Release (2007/027) issued by The Government News Network on 25 July 2007

The next steps in tackling regulation reform and creating a dynamic business environment were today announced by John Hutton, Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.

He said, "We are committed to reducing the burden on business of regulation. But we also want to make it easier for businesses to meet their legal obligations with clearer guidance and better communication.

"We have put regulatory reform at the heart of our efforts to create the right conditions for business success by putting the Better Regulation Executive in the new department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform."

The announcement contains a number of themes aimed at continuing progress towards turning ideas into action and setting the foundation for future success.

Transparency and prioritisation
* The Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and Lord Drayson, Minister of State for Business and Regulatory Reform, will work with key members in both Houses to reduce current regulation and scrutinise the flow of new regulation
* The Government proposes strengthening the existing draft Regulators' Compliance Code to introduce an explicit duty on regulators to review the imposition and maintenance of unnecessary burdens on business and act to reduce them
* Announce a review of the case for extending the Regulators' Compliance Code to regulators and inspectors of public services.
Targeted Simplifications
* Publicise the work the Better Regulation Executive (BRE) is doing with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on simplifying and reducing the costs associated with health and safety policy for low-risk businesses
* Publicise the launch by the HSE of risk assessments for convenience stores/newsagents, general office cleaning contractors, and estate agents. This work will include dry cleaners, hair dressers and catering by November, and cover 70% of businesses by the end of the year
* Announce a root and branch review to simplify consumer policy, improve information for consumers and strengthen redress in order to deliver simpler, cheaper and better protections with reduced inspection and enforcement. This project will report by spring 2008
* Work with stakeholders on the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform's Simplification Plan including progress on dispute resolution regulations and employment law guidance
Improved Delivery
* Launch a more coherent and business-friendly approach to handling and communicating regulatory change based around the twice-yearly Common Commencement Dates, from October 2007
* Improve the government's performance in producing good quality and timely guidance for regulation with an impact on business, including developing a code of practice for guidance and working to give greater prominence to guidance in the regulatory process.

Also published today are the following reports: National Audit Office - Reducing the cost of complying with regulations: The delivery of the Administrative Burdens Reduction Programme, 2007; Better Regulation Executive (BRE) - Regulation and Business Advice Services and the National Consumer Council and the BRE - interim report on the effectiveness of consumer information.

Lord Drayson, Minister of State for Business and Regulatory Reform said,
"I welcome the publication of these reports and am committed to driving forward the Government's agenda to reduce the regulatory burdens on business."

Notes to editors

1. The following reports can be found on the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform website

2. Next Steps on Regulation Reform

3. Better Regulation Executive (BRE) - Regulation and Business Advice Services

4. National Consumer Council and the BRE - interim report on the effectiveness of consumer information.

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