Scottish Government
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Preventing wildlife crime

The Scottish Government has joined Alyn Smith MEP in calling on the European Union to ensure that a 'valuable weapon' in the fight against wildlife crime is not lost.

At present landowners and farmers must comply with Article 8 of the Birds Directive, which bans the use of poisons on birds if they wish to receive funding under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

The EU are proposing to end the link between Article 8 and CAP payments.

Environment Minister Michael Russell said:

"It is deeply disappointing to hear that such an important tool in the flight against wildlife crime could be dropped.

"Scottish birds have been the victims of a number of disgraceful incidents of poisoning in the last few years, including a golden eagle in the Borders and a sea eagle in Tayside.

"Following a recent wide-ranging review of the way wildlife crimes are investigated and prosecuted in Scotland, I expect to see more cases brought to the courts in the future.

"However, it cannot be denied that the loss of a significant amount of funding from Europe is a huge disincentive to carrying out such disgraceful acts.

"A crime against Scottish wildlife is a crime against Scotland itself and I call upon the EU to recognise the vital role that cross compliance and Article 8 play in keeping our magnificent birds of prey safe from harm."

Alyn Smith MEP also said:

"While the Commission proposals to simplify and streamline regulation are welcome, if the effect of the changes is to deprive the Scottish Government of a useful tool in the fight against wildlife crime then I am keen to do what I can to retain it.

"Scotland does have a particular problem with wildlife crime, and any means at our disposal must be an option. The new government has made great strides in tackling this thorny issue and to lose a key weapon in the armoury would be a real step backwards.

"I hope that the rest of the Parliament supports my amendments and retains this vital tool."

Bob Elliot, Head of Investigations at the RSPB Scotland, added:

"The loss of this option from cross compliance would be a blow for wildlife protection in the UK. It is a major deterrent in the armoury of the authorities.

"Deliberate poisoning is a major threat to birds of prey; we had 37 reports confirmed by the Scottish Agricultural Science Agency of raptors being poisoned last year. In Scotland a mixture of illegal pesticides killed a white-tailed eagle found on a Scottish estate this May."

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