Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
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Review of the British Wool Marketing Board

Review of the British Wool Marketing Board

DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS News Release (Information Bulletin ref:115/08) issued by The Government News Network on 25 April 2008

A review of the British Wool Marketing Board has concluded that the Board continues to provide an effective mechanism for the marketing of wool in the UK. The review was commissioned jointly by Defra, the Scottish Government, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for Northern Ireland, and the Welsh Assembly Government. The report's conclusions and recommendations have been endorsed by Ministers from all four administrations and are published on each of their websites.

The Board has indicated that it is likely to accept the Review's recommendations, including making more transparent and open its policy on exemptions, and continuing to drive down marketing costs for low cost wool producers.

Notes to Editors
1. The BWMB was established in 1950 and its powers are laid down under the British Wool Marketing Scheme (Approval) Order 1950 and the Agricultural Marketing Act 1958.

2. It is the last remaining Marketing Board covered by the Agricultural Marketing Act 1958. The Board operates a statutory monopoly on the marketing of the majority of UK fleece wool.

3. It arranges the collection, storage, grading and the sale at auction of this fleece wool.

4. The review of the BWMB is part of an ongoing process of reviewing public bodies.
A copy of the review is available on the Defra website at:

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