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Intelligence Services Commissioner review into intelligence surrounding the Omagh bombing

Intelligence Services Commissioner review into intelligence surrounding the Omagh bombing

CABINET OFFICE News Release (CAB097-08) issued by COI News Distribution Service. 17 September 2008

The Prime Minister has invited the Rt Hon Sir Peter Gibson, the Intelligence Services Commissioner to review the intercepted intelligence material available to the security and intelligence agencies in relation to the Omagh bombing and how it was shared. The terms of reference for this review are:

Terms of Reference

To review any intercepted intelligence material available to the security and intelligence agencies in relation to the Omagh bombing and how this intelligence was shared.

The Prime Minister has invited Sir Peter Gibson to report his findings to him within three months.

The Prime Minister will report the outcome of this review to the House as soon as possible after he has received Sir Peter's report.

Notes for editors

1. The functions of the Intelligence Services Commissioner are set out in the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.

2. Each year, the Commissioner makes a report to the Prime Minister on the discharge of his functions, the main part of which is presented to parliament and published. The most recent report was published on 22 July 2008 covering the period January to December 2007 (HC 948) and available at

3. The current Intelligence Services Commissioner is the Rt Hon Sir Peter Gibson. He was appointed to the role in April 2006.

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