Parliamentary Committees and Public Enquiries
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Dilnot Commission on Funding of Care and Support
Call for Evidence - Now closed
On 1st December 2010 the Commission launched a ‘Call for Evidence’ to hear your ideas on what a future funding system for care and support should look like.
This Call for Evidence was particularly aimed at asking those with an interest in future funding models to provide their expert view.
The document below set out their role & remit, their analysis of the current system and where they, at the time of releasing this, thought reform was needed.
It explained how they plan to assess possible options and then asked a series of questions. An Easy Read and a Summary version are also below.
The Call for Evidence closed on 28th January. The Commission is grateful for all the submissions it has been sent in response. The input and insights of individuals and organisations will help us develop recommendations for a fair and sustainable future funding system.
The Commission has analysed all the responses that were received and published a summary document of these responses, which can be found below.
Response to the Call to Evidence for Commissioners PDF (97KB)
This Call for Evidence was only one part of their engagement work. They welcome any other suggestions or comments people might have via: