Lifelong Learning UK
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Lifelong Learning UK puts Queen's plan for equality in the workplace into action for the post-compulsory education sector

On 2 December 2008 the Queen outlined a commitment to ensuring everyone has a fair chance in life, saying "my Government will bring forward a Bill to promote equality, fight discrimination and introduce transparency in the workplace"

Lifelong Learning UK, takes the same view, and is already implementing measures to help training providers.

For example, the Disability Equality Commitment, facilitated by Lifelong Learning UK, is a framework to help organisations in lifelong learning recruit, retain, and train disabled employees so that they are equally represented in the sector. Disabled people make up one fifth of the UK's working age population, but face significant disadvantages in the world of work. They are 25 per cent less likely to be employed than the population as a whole. The Disability Equality Commitment aims to positively address those inequalities in lifelong learning.

Key outcomes for organisations that sign up to the Commitment include:

  • Designating senior members of staff with responsibility for disability equality
  • Making sure disabled people are encouraged to be trustees and governors
  • Developing mechanisms to ensure disabled staff are involved, heard, supported and affiliated to national networks
  • Ensuring disabled staff are included in all aspects of policy
  • Encouraging applications for work from disabled people through reviewing recruitment procedures
  • Ensuring organisations aim to achieve staffing that reflects the disability profile of the working age population, management and governance that is well-informed on disability issues, and training that promotes disability equality
  • Developing support such as mentoring and work shadowing to raise the achievement of disabled staff
  • Sharing good practice between organisations, staff and learners, and outside contractors and agencies where possible.

Organisations wishing to sign up can find out more by visiting

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