Department for Culture, Media and Sport
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Farrell Review publishes Call for Evidence

Sir Terry Farrell’s independent review of Architecture and the Built Environment, established by the Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS), has published a call for evidence to seek out views on four key themes. The Review wants to engage as widely as possible with interested parties in order to help DCMS develop its thinking about the role for Government in the achievement of high quality design. This will enable DCMS to influence and shape policy across government.

As well as the workshops planned by the review team throughout the country, individuals and groups are encouraged to self-organise and issue joint responses to the Call for Evidence where appropriate. Many local stakeholders are putting together working groups and hosting roundtables or workshops to help inform their responses.

The call for evidence is wide-ranging and includes specific questions relating to the following themes:

  • Understanding the role for Government in promoting design quality in architecture and the built environment

The review will look at lessons that can be learnt nationally and internationally about the role for Government in promoting and achieving design quality. The role of built environment bodies and other organisations that promote the appreciation and better understanding of design quality in the built environment will also be considered.

  • The economic benefits of architecture and design, and maximising the UK’s growth potential

The review will consider the contribution of architecture to the UK’s economy, how the economic value of good built environment design can be demonstrated, and how it can be maximised in the future.

  • Cultural heritage and the built environment

The review will look at how to encourage good new architecture whilst retaining the best of the past, and the value of our historic built environment as a cultural asset and in successful place-making.

  • Promoting education, outreach and skills

The review will consider the potential contributions of built environment education to a broad and balanced education both as a cultural subject in its own right and as a way of teaching other subjects.

Sir Terry Farrell said:

This Review must answer some important questions – what is the role of Government in promoting design quality? Should we have a formal architecture policy? How can we capitalise on UK expertise in architecture as an export industry? How can we ensure the built environment professions are accessible?

It is these questions, and many others besides, where the Review Panel needs to understand as many different perspectives as possible.

It is very important that people from a wide range of sectors with an interest in the built environment take the opportunity to feed into the Review. I urge everyone with an interest in architecture and the built environment to respond to the call for evidence.

Architecture Minister Ed Vaizey said:

I would urge everyone from across the architecture world to get involved and work together to respond to this call for evidence. Hearing from a wide cross section of people across the sector will help Sir Terry Farrell and in turn DCMS look at the future of policy in this area, and we need the whole industry to come forward with their views.

Notes to Editors

  1. The full call for evidence can be found at
  2. Submissions should be made through the online form (available at before 5pm on Friday 19 July.
  3. The review relates to England only.
  4. For media enquiries, please contact:

Laura Berman T: 020 7258 3433 E:

Press Enquiries: 020 7211 2210 Public Enquiries: 020 7211 6000 Out of hours telephone pager no: 07699 751 153

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