Foreign,Commonwealth and Development Office
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Human Rights and Democracy Fund-Bid Round 2014-15

The first bid round for Guatemala and Honduras is now open for the submission of project proposals.

The Human Rights and Democracy Programme (HRDP) is the FCO’s dedicated fund supporting human rights and democracy work overseas. The Programme aims to make a difference to people’s lives, helping to build the capacity of governments and civil society to promote and protect human rights. In 2013/14, we supported over 80 projects worldwide. Human rights, democracy and the rule of law are at the heart of the Government’s foreign policy. The HRDP targets areas that are both important to us and where we consider we can make the greatest impact in delivering the FCO’s overarching purpose to “pursue an active and activist foreign policy, working with other countries and strengthening the rules-based international system in support of our values”.

2014/15 Programme

We are pleased to announce the 2014/15 call for bids. The global priority areas are:

  • global torture prevention
  • abolition of the death penalty
  • promotion and protection of freedom of expression
  • upholding freedom of religion and belief
  • women’s rights
  • business and human rights
  • strengthening democratic processes
  • preventing sexual violence in conflict

In Guatemala and Honduras we particularly welcome proposals on the following areas:

  • freedom of expression
  • women’s rights
  • business and human rights
  • global torture prevention

Please note that proposals on the four areas above will stand more chance of success.

In particular, we will also look for projects that can demonstrate impact, value for money, and sustainability. How will the activities in your proposal continue once HRDP funding has ceased? How can initial HRDP funding be used to bring about a bigger change in the longer term?

The deadline for submitting concept bids is 5pm on Friday 28th February 2014. Concept bids must be submitted using Project Concept Form (MS Word Document, 55.5KB). Please send the completed form (in English) to and include “HRD Fund Project Proposal” in the subject line.

Please refer to Guidance for Potential Implementers at Concept Stage (MS Word Document, 296KB) for further information. Concept bids should be no more than 3 pages long. Bids will be assessed by the local Programme Board. If your bid is chosen by the local Programme Board, we will then contact you in early March to discuss the development of a full project proposal. Please assume that your concept bid has been unsuccessful if you do not hear back from us by the end of March 2014.

Unfortunately due to the volume of bids we will be unable to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.

Full project proposals will be forwarded to the London Programme Board for consideration against other bids worldwide. It is our aim to inform all successful and unsuccessful applicants by the end of May 2014.

Bidding Process Timetable

Date   Action
Friday 28 February 2014   Deadline to submit concept bids to the British Embassy in Guatemala ( and include “HRD Fund Project Proposal” in the subject line.)
Early March 2014   British Embassy will contact those whose concept bids have been chosen and discuss the development of a full project bid
28 March 2014   Deadline to submit full project bid to Embassy
11 April 2014   Full project bids are forwarded to London by British Embassy in Guatemala. Honduras and/or Guatemala projects are then considered against others globally
End May 2014   British Embassy in Guatemala to inform all successful and unsuccessful applicants

Projects should begin from June 2014 and must be completed by end February 2015. We will fund projects up to a value of £200,000. Projects in excess of that amount may be considered exceptionally.

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