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CBI comments on NAO Report on Government Staff Costs

The CBI today commented on the National Audit Office’s report, Managing staff costs in central government.

Emma Watkins, CBI Head of Public Services Policy, said:

“Given the state of the public finances, the Government really needs to get a better grip on staff costs.

“Despite introducing a two-year pay freeze and moving towards performance-related pay, salaries have continued to rise in central government. Simply creating new posts or promoting people to get around the pay freeze will do little to help plug the deficit.

“We agree with the NAO that government departments need to do more to monitor and reduce staff costs.”

Notes to Editors:

The CBI is the UK's leading business organisation, speaking for some 240,000 businesses that together employ around a third of the private sector workforce. With offices across the UK as well as representation in Brussels, Washington, Beijing and Delhi the CBI communicates the British business voice around the world.

Media Contact:

CBI Press Office on 020 7395 8239 or out of hours pager on 07623 977 854.

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