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Stuart Burgess launches ‘Affordable Housing – keeping villages alive’

The CRC has been very pleased to be able to work with the NHF, CPRE, the Countryside Alliance, and ACRE in producing a new report.  Dr. Stuart Burgess, today, has launched Affordable Housing – keeping villages alive.  Over the last year the NHF has been working on raising the profile of affordable rural housing as a means to creating more vibrant and sustainable rural communities. Speaking today at the Affordable Rural Housing Project Review conference at the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham, Dr Burgess said:

“I have been very pleased to be able to work with the NHF and I am delighted to be able to launch today – on their behalf – this new report Affordable Housing – keeping villages alive.  Over the last year their work on raising the profile of affordable rural housing and housing associations has added new dynamism and urgency into this most critical of rural issues. The report is just one example of where key stakeholders have come together to bring forward our shared ideas and values.  A consensus view is emerging around how to bring forward more positive approaches to delivering more affordable housing as well as enhancing the character of our towns and villages”.

Villages have a long history of resilience and self help. In tackling today’s challenges, many rural communities have identified affordable housing as part of the solution. Typically, just a handful of well designed homes can help sustain more local services and jobs for local people. The current reality is that there is a massive shortage of rural affordable housing. Rural council waiting lists show a marked increase from 428,045 in 2005 to 474,970 in 2008 – a growth of 11%.

Affordable housing provides decent homes to people who have been priced out of the open market. It is particularly important in rural areas, where house prices are significantly higher than the national average but household incomes are lower. This booklet shows how a relatively small number of new affordable homes in a  village can help ensure rural England has a bright future.

Download ‘Affordable Housing – keeping villages alive’



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