Welsh Government
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Report shows how Welsh Government is delivering on the issues that matter to you

Evidence has been published yesterday on the impact the Welsh Government is having on the things that really matter to the people of Wales, such as economic growth and jobs, education, health and protecting people from the worst aspects of welfare reform.

The second Annual Report from the Welsh Government allows the public to scrutinise how the Welsh Government is delivering on the commitments made in the Programme for Government, setting out 340 indicators of performance and updating on 547 actions.

In the last year the Welsh Government has:

  • Created 4,000 job opportunities to help young unemployed people into work through the Jobs Growth Wales programme and supported 1,500 young people into apprenticeships through the Pathways to Apprenticeship programme.
  • Boosted investment in infrastructure by some £900million through the Welsh Infrastructure Investment Plan, supporting innovative initiatives in transport, education and housing.
  • Invested £400million to deliver high-speed broadband across the country with support from the European Regional Development Fund.
  • Supported our poorest communities by setting aside £22million to ensure those eligible will still receive full council tax support, providing nearly 2,500 extra affordable homes and re-launching the Communities First programme to focus on health, learning and prosperity.
  • Improved school attendance rates and continued to support teachers to provide the best learning environment.
  • Provided easier access to health services, with nine out of ten GP surgeries offering early evening appointments at least two nights a week.
  • Recruited an additional 400 Police Community Support Officers, helping people to feel safer in their communities.
  • Led the way in the UK on recycling, with 48.5 per cent recycling rates in 2011 which continues to increase, with people now recycling more than they are sending to landfill.

The First Minister, Carwyn Jones said:

“Our annual report shows real progress made in delivering on our promises on the issues that really matter to the people of Wales. It gives an honest account of how Wales is responding to the twin challenges of the global economy and the austerity and welfare policies of the UK Government.

“We are focused on the economy, attracting businesses to Wales, improving infrastructure, up-skilling the workforce and creating job opportunities, but we haven’t let our attention in other areas slip.

“We continue to make progress in health and education and have redoubled our efforts to do all we can to help the poorest and most vulnerable people in Wales in the face of UK Government reforms.

“However, we cannot ignore the fact that our budget continues to be squeezed and we have some tough choices to make. We cannot continue to finance all the projects which have received funding in the past. We will need to prioritise to ensure the future of those public services we all rely on – health, education and job creation.

“We remain committed to making this country a more resilient and competitive place. We will continue to stand up for and deliver for the people of Wales.”

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Programme for Government

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