Public and Commercial Services Union
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Anger at British Council jobs axe

PCS today condemned the British Council's announcement that it intends to cut up to 500 jobs over the next two years and consider offshoring work to India.

In a message to staff issued today the British Council, which promotes Britain overseas, announced that it intends to reduce its staff by up to 40% over the next two years.

This will affect workers based in five offices across the UK – Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, London and Manchester. Although a voluntary scheme has been announced, compulsory redundancies have not been ruled out.

Our members are understandably devastated by the news


Tony Fisher, PCS branch secretary, said: “Our members are understandably devastated by the news. With mortgages and bills to pay, they simply cannot afford to lose their employment in the present economic climate.”

The announcement comes only hours after Lord Kinnock stood down as Chair, citing a conflict of interest following his wife’s appointment as Europe Minister.

Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary added: “We are angry that we have been given very little consultation over these proposals and will be doing everything we can to ensure that no member is forced out of their job.

"It comes as a surprise that the British Council, whose remit is to promote Britain abroad, is even considering offshoring jobs. These proposed job losses, if not resisted, will add to the already rising unemployment figures and do nothing to help economic recovery.”

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