Welsh Government
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Deputy Minister reacts to publication of Family Justice Review
The Deputy Minister said:
“I am grateful to the Chairman and members of the Panel for their focus and diligence in undertaking this Review. The Family Justice system is a intricate partnership of professionals who champion children's welfare and I would echo the Panel's comments praising the skill and dedication of those who work in this difficult and challenging environment.”
“There is much to consider in the Panel's Report, but I welcome their recognition of the damaging delays children can experience in care proceedings and the disproportionate impact this can have on their outcomes. I have always maintained that the welfare of the child comes first and the interest of the child is paramount. I am committed to ensure that our most skilled and able professionals are equipped to support children make the most of their life-chances.”
“Sustainable Social Services and our Programme for Government set out the Welsh Government's priorities to lead and drive reform of services in Wales based on a strong national purpose and clear accountability for delivery, underpinned by a competent and confident professional workforce.”
“As we stated in Sustainable Social Services, the Welsh Government will implement the Review findings, based on our principles and in the light of the needs of children in Wales. In particular, we will expect that the rights and voices of children are at the heart of the process and that there are robust means to ensure that their views are properly represented.”
“This is a complex area crossing both devolved and non-devolved responsibilities. The Welsh Government will respond to the findings of the Panel by the end of the year.”