Care Quality Commission
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Oneplace for an independent overview of local public services

Oneplace, the reporting website for Comprehensive Area Assessment, is for those who pay for local services, those who provide them, and those who use them.

Oneplace gives an independent, expert assessment, of how well local public services are tackling the important issues in every area in England. You can use the website to understand more about where your public services are doing well, and where they aren't, providing you with information to hold local services to account.

Oneplace has been jointly developed by the Audit Commission, Care Quality Commission, HM Inspectorates of Constabulary, Prisons and Probation and Ofsted.

Speaking today about the launch of Oneplace, Cynthia Bower, Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission, said:

"Getting public agencies working together effectively is absolutely central to the provision of good health and social care. The findings from this work bring this issue sharply into focus.

"In areas where red flags have been identified - there are18 relating to health, and two on adult social care - many of the solutions can be found in better partnership working. Where we have highlighted green flags - seven in adult social care and two in health - this is where organisations have worked positively with other public services.

"As we head towards increasing constraint on public spending, organisations need to find innovative ways to keep improvements on track. Better working with other agencies must be central to this as it means you can achieve more, more efficiently.

"We will be following up wherever there are red flags, working with other regulators and with all the relevant local organisations to ensure these issues are addressed on behalf of the public.

"CQC was set up to improve working between health and social care. We know that where this is done well the dividends are really considerable, both in terms of better care for service users and in terms of efficiency."


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