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Participation of migrants in the democratic process – Towards inclusive citizenship

On 26 November, the European Integration Forum – the dialogue platform on integration of immigrants launched in April 2009 by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee – adopted a statement on Participation of migrants in the democratic process. The civil society representatives meeting at this Forum ask that:
  • access to residence status should not be hampered by imposing extra conditions not provided for under the EU long-term residence directive;
  • the European Commission launch infringement proceedings against Member States that  arbitrarily impose extra conditions not provided for under the EU long-term residence directive;
  • migrants should be eligible for citizenship after no more than five years of legal residence;
  • children born in a country should be eligible at birth to become citizens of that country if one of their parents has resided there legally for five years;
  • the right to vote and to stand in local, regional, national and European elections should be granted to all legal residents after a maximum of five years' legal residence;
  • the right to set up or join political associations and parties should be an inviolable right of all residents.
For more information:
Statement on Participation of migrants in the democratic process – Towards inclusive citizenship
European Integration Forum - 10th meeting
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