Cabinet Office
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Making Government Consultation work better

Making Government Consultation work better

CABINET OFFICE News Release (CAB/049/07) issued by The Government News Network on 14 June 2007

Cabinet Office Minister Hilary Armstrong today launched a review of how the Government consults businesses, the third sector and citizens when it makes significant decisions.

Interested parties will have until 28 September to make their views known to the Government, and should visit for instructions on how to submit feedback.

The review focuses on lifting the quality of government consultation. The Government is aiming to improve the effectiveness of consultation by looking at what questions are asked, who is asked and how the government can best take into account the feedback it receives.

Hilary Armstrong, the Minister with overall responsibility for the Government's better regulation agenda, said:

'As a Minister I really value consultation because it helps us to make better decisions. Everyone benefits from good consultation. By listening to concerns from businesses and third sector organisations about how we consult we can continue to make improvements.'

Views can be submitted in writing and by using the Cabinet Office's Have Your Say website).

Background information on this is available online at

Notes to editors
1. Current Government policy is set out in the Code of Practice on Consultation. This Code, established in 2000 and modified in 2004, sets out six criteria that Government departments should follow when carrying out formal, written consultation exercises.

2. The consultation on the future of Government consultation policy is open until 28/09/2007. Responses will inform the development of a revised consultation policy to be launched in 2008.

Cabinet Office Press Office 22 Whitehall LONDON SW1A 2WH

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