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Accreditation next steps

As the redevelopment to streamline, update and refocus the Accreditation scheme nears completion, a report outlining the museum sector's reaction to the developed requirements and their support needs has been published along with a Curatorial Adviser review. MLA's response: Accreditation: What next? is a manifesto for the future of the UK standard for museums.

The new standard is currently being tested in a pilot phase in ten museums and services across the UK. Feedback from the pilots is being used to refine the standard and to develop associated guidance.

Hedley Swain, Director of Programmes at MLA says, "Accreditation 2011 will help museums survive and thrive by focussing on good management and effective forward planning whilst placing users at the centre of the museum service. The agreed standard ensures that Accreditation is a powerful development framework tool for museums as well a more rigorous benchmark."

Arts Council England will become the new administering organisation of the Accreditation scheme later in 2011.

Adobe PDF Accreditation: What next? (PDF)


  1. MLA's Accreditation Scheme sets nationally agreed standards for museums in the UK. The Standard supports museums in identifying opportunities for further improvement and development. There are currently over 1800 museums participating in the Scheme, demonstrating their commitment to managing collections effectively for the enjoyment of all communities. For further information see The standard was first launched in 1988 after demand by the museum sector.
  2. Work on developing Accreditation is being project managed by Isabel Wilson, Project Manager, Quality & Standards, based at MLA's Birmingham office

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