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Publication of Lance Corporal Mathew Ford Board of Inquiry

Publication of Lance Corporal Mathew Ford Board of Inquiry

MINISTRY OF DEFENCE News Release (185/2008) issued by The Government News Network on 15 August 2008

The Board of Inquiry (BoI) report into the death of Lance Corporal (LCpl) Mathew Ford has been published on the Ministry of Defence website today.

LCpl Ford died when Zulu Company of 45 Commando Royal Marines was engaged in an operation against a major Taliban fort, south of Garmsir in southern Helmand, Afghanistan on Monday 15 January 2007.

The operation involved the Royal Marine Commandos crossing a river, disembarking from their Viking armoured vehicles, assaulting a walled compound and engaging in close quarter fighting. It was during the initial breach of the compound while he was leading his team that LCpl Ford was tragically shot and killed. Following a withdrawal from the fighting it was discovered that LCpl Ford's body was missing. A successful recovery operation was mounted after a four-man team flew into the area strapped to the sides of two WAH-64 Apache helicopters. The actual cause of death is for the Coroner to determine. The BoI was convened to establish the circumstances that led to LCpl Ford's death and identify lessons that can be learned to prevent a similar tragedy in the future.

This process is now complete. The BoI was unable to confirm, with certainty, which weapon fired the shots. However, the Board concluded that the weight of evidence suggests that it is probable that LCpl Ford was killed by 'friendly fire'.

Sixteen BoI recommendations were made. All of these recommendations have been addressed either in theatre or as part of the 3 Commando Brigade pre-deployment preparation in advance of its forthcoming deployment to Afghanistan.

Commenting on the BoI's findings, Armed Forces Minister Bob Ainsworth said:

"The 3 Commando Brigade action at Jugrum Fort in Afghanistan in January 2007 saw incredible acts of heroism, courage under fire and sacrifice. LCpl Mathew Ford of Z Company 45 Commando tragically lost his life in this operation and my thoughts remain with his family, friends and colleagues.

"The conduct of the brigade involved was exemplary throughout its tour, typifying the professionalism, bravery and swiftness of action that defines our Armed Forces. But that does not mean that we should not learn lessons from the tragic loss of LCpl Mathew Ford. The Board of Inquiry is the second of two military investigations into the circumstances surrounding his death. Action has been taken following these investigations and improvements made against all of the Board's recommendations."

Major General Jerry Thomas Royal Marines, who commanded 3 Commando Brigade from October 2006 to April 2008 and is now Senior British Military Advisor with US Forces in Florida, said:

"While the death of LCpl Ford was a tragic incident, the courage and professionalism of those men that recovered his body was exemplary and in the best traditions of the UK's Armed Forces.

"All operations carry an element of risk. The decision to mount this offensive was made after careful judgement, accepting that, while risk can be minimised, it can never be removed entirely.

"Throughout the tour of Afghanistan I was hugely impressed by the bravery and conduct of all members of the Task Force, from whichever cap badge or service they came."

Notes to Editors:

1. An electronic copy of the BoI is available at

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