Care Quality Commission
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Consultation on interim registration fees for providers of adult social care and independent health care

This consultation looks at the proposed fees scheme for independent healthcare and adult social care providers who will be registered under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 from October 1 2010.

It is an interim fees scheme, which will last for six months from October 1 2010 to March 31 2011.  The consultation document also sets out the arrangements for continuing charges for registrations, variations and annual fees under the existing schemes from April 1 to September 30 2010.   There will be no fee for the transitional application providers will need to make to enter the new registration system.

The consultation runs until Wednesday, 16 June 2010 and we will publish our final plans later in 2010. It will be important that providers are aware of the arrangements for fees and how they will be affected during this transitional period as we move from the present regulatory system to the new one.  We would encourage providers to respond to our consultation – to do this you can:

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Please contact us if you would like to receive the summary of this publication in other formats or languages.

Send us your responses

Register your feedback via our online form (opens in new window)

Email your feedback to:

Post your feedback to:

Fees Consultation
Care Quality Commission
103-105 Bunhill Row
FREEPOST Lon 15399

Later this year we will launch a public consultation on the fees we propose for registration for all providers from 1 April 2011.

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