Scottish Government
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Technology helps to tackle superbugs

New initiatives to further reduce hospital infections were unveiled by Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon today.

Improvements to infection control and bed management IT systems are to be rolled out across Scotland, allowing hospitals to better monitor patients with infections, reducing the risk of bugs spreading.

And a new, more stringent, target for tackling C.difficile is also being introduced.

Health boards across Scotland are now being asked to reduce the rates of the infection by at least 50 per cent among over 65s by the end of March 2011.

The move follows recent statistics from Health Protection Scotland which show that the vast majority of boards are well on their way towards meeting the previous target of 30 per cent by the end of March next year.

Ms Sturgeon said:

"I've repeatedly made clear that tackling hospital infections is my top priority. That's why we've put in place a package of measures designed to crackdown on infections. These measures have seen C.diff cases drop to their lowest since surveillance began.

"But we're determined to do more, as today's announcement demonstrates.

"Building on the success we have already achieved, all boards will now have a more challenging C.diff target to meet, as we bid to halve C.diff infection rates by next March. This tough target will stretch health boards, but I believe it is achievable. Reducing the misery caused by C.diff justifies the effort.

"Successful pilots have shown that improvements to infection control and bed management IT systems can help manage the fight against infection, and these improvements will be rolled out across Scotland.

"Using the latest IT systems and ensuring these are fully integrated will allow health boards to better manage their beds to reduce this risk of infections spreading.

"I am confident that these measures will contribute to further reduced infection rates which is good news for patients and their families throughout Scotland."

The improvements to infection control and bed management IT systems have been piloted in four health boards areas - Lothian, Fife, Tayside and Grampian. An evaluation of the pilot has demonstrated that upgraded and integrated bed management and infection control IT systems can reduce infections. Read the evaluation

Rolling out the system across Scotland will cost £1.5 million.

The bed management system is being introduced following a suggestion made by the Conservative Party during last year's budget negotiations.

The most recent MRSA and C.diff statistics were published on April 8. The latest statistics will be published by Health Protection Scotland on July 7.

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