Welsh Government
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Wales will seek further powers to increase organ donation
The Welsh Assembly Government will seek the power to introduce presumed consent for organ donation in Wales, the First Minister Carwyn Jones confirmed.
Wales aims to be the first UK country to introduce such a system, where people have to opt out of the organ donation system rather than opt in.
Under the proposed ‘soft’ system of presumed consent, health professionals will still consult with families on whether they wish their relative to donate an organ after death.
The First Minister said he hoped the move would increase the number of organs available for transplant.
Latest figures from the end of March show that there were 333 people on the waiting list for a transplant in Wales.
Announcing the Assembly Government’s fourth legislative programme, Mr Jones said:
“Many people will wait years for a transplant but sadly, many people die waiting on the list.
“I hope that by introducing presumed consent, we will not only reduce the waiting list but reduce the number of people who needlessly die waiting.
“I recognise that this is a highly emotive subject and that is why we have already consulted heavily on this to gauge people’s views. The majority of the responses support a change to a soft opt-out system. This still gives families the chance to have their view on the death of a loved one.
“To ensure we maximise the number of people who donate after death, it will be important that people discuss their wishes with their family. I know nobody finds it easy to think and talk about our death, but it is essential we do so our families know our wishes.
“Some may question taking forward a Legislative Competence Order with the referendum on the horizon. However, while I hope all parties in the Assembly will do all they can to secure a “yes” vote, we cannot take the outcome for granted and as a responsible Government, we are therefore working with the current process until the referendum is held, and won.”
Health Minister Edwina Hart added:
“There has been an increase in the number of people on the organ donor register but we need to do more if we are to help the hundreds of people in Wales that require an organ now and in the future.
“I am convinced that this is the best way forward and meets the wishes of the Welsh people.
“We will work with Whitehall on the Legislative Competency Order, and subject to gaining the powers in this area, we will develop a Measure detailing how we will implement presumed consent in Wales. However, as it will take some time to deliver, we must continue to increase organ donation rates within the current system and implement the recommendations of the Organ Donation Taskforce.”
People can sign up to the organ donor register by visiting the NHS Blood and Transplant website or Donate Wales website.