Financial Conduct Authority
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Shareholders: Your personal details might be on a database shared by fraudsters

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has warned about 11,000 UK shareholders that their personal details are on a database shared by fraudsters, which can be used to target people and illegally sell them shares.

Share fraudsters (also known as boiler room fraudsters) are often based overseas and use high pressure sales techniques to target investors illegally, offering them non-tradable, overpriced or even non-existent shares.

The FSA wrote to the shareholders after acquiring the fraud database with their personal details including names, telephone numbers and addresses, from Canadian authorities. It is likely that the list – which fraudsters typically call a ‘suckers list’ - has been sold to a number of 'share fraud' gangs.

Shareholders and other consumers can avoid becoming victims of share fraud by:

  • Checking that anyone offering to sell them shares is registered with the FSA;
  • Calling the company back using the details in the FSA register to verify their authorisation;
  • Reporting any company that cold calls them to sell shares, to the FSA;
  • Hanging up the telephone if the caller persists.

Jonathan Phelan, Head of Retail Enforcement at the FSA said:

"This is a great example of how international co-operation can help protect people from falling victims to share fraud. The details on the database provide fraudsters with valuable information that can be used to convince people that they are dealing with legitimate stockbrokers, in order to win their trust.

"These criminals sound authentic, are smooth talkers and can be very persistent. If anyone calls you out of the blue offering to sell shares, just hang up or you stand to lose a lot of money with very little hope of ever getting it back."

Notes for editors

  1. The letter sent to the shareholders can be found on the FSA website.
  2. The FSA hosted the first ever boiler room conference in November to further encourage international co-operation in tackling share fraud. The conference was attended by representatives from international financial regulators, law enforcement agencies, the UK Government and the banking world.
  3. In July, the FSA and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) urged UK listed companies to send out free updated leaflets warning their shareholders about boiler room fraud. The free leaflets are available from both the FSA and ICSA websites.
  4. The FSA regulates the financial services industry and has four objectives under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000: maintaining market confidence; promoting public understanding of the financial system; securing the appropriate degree of protection for consumers; and fighting financial crime.
  5. The FSA aims to promote efficient, orderly and fair markets, help retail consumers achieve a fair deal and improve its business capability and effectiveness.

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