Science and Technology Facilities Council
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Call for members of the STFC Women in SET Focus Group

STFC is seeking four volunteers to serve on the Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Focus Group. The Focus Group provides STFC with first hand views and insights into the issues that affect the retention and career development of women working in STFC's areas of science. The Focus Group reports to the Education, Training and Careers Committee which has a remit to ensure that career development and training policy takes into account the need to improve the retention and participation of women in SET.

The Focus Group membership is drawn from female researchers at a range of career stages and, as far as possible, from the different science areas within the STFC remit. There is cross-membership from the Education, Training and Careers Committee and the Women in STEM network for STFC employees. Members from outside the scientific remit of STFC may be co-opted to bring particular insights and expertise to the Focus Group. The Focus Group meets twice a year. Membership of the Focus Group is rotated, with members serving for up to four years.

The closing date for volunteering is Friday 5th August 2011. If you wish to volunteer please use the on-line form to provide your contact details, details of research/scientific expertise and, optionally, any particular interest in serving on the Focus Group.

Find out more about the Women in SET Focus Group.

Please contact Katharine Hollinshead if you wish to find out more about the role of members or the activities of the Focus Group.

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