Higher Education Funding Council England (HEFCE)
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HEFCE's dealings with London Metropolitan University (LMU)

The scale of the funding adjustments to LMU and the public interest it has generated, including many Freedom of Information requests, are exceptional and unprecedented. We have decided therefore to release information relating to our dealings with the University.

The information includes an overview of the events, a timeline and supporting information. The Information also includes an externally commissioned report, following an independent review by KPMG, of the lessons we have learned or need to learn from this exceptional case. The University is also commissioning a lessons learned review for its own purposes. A further report on an independent audit of student records at the University by BDO Stoy Hayward cannot be released at this time for legal reasons.

  • HEFCE statement (MS Word 125K)
    This document provides an overview of the events surrounding HEFCE's dealings with LMU over student data returns.
  • How HEFCE funds institutions (MS Word 72K)
    This document has been written to help readers understand the background by explaining how we fund institutions.

Timeline of events

We have provided a timeline overview (MS Word 91K) covering the events relating to the data returns from the University, the findings from our audit and data reconciliation work, and the financial implications.

A full archive of documented key events is available, listed by date.

Supporting information for the timeline

KPMG report

This report describes the findings and recommendations of a review commissioned by HEFCE from KPMG to identify the lessons HEFCE should learn from its long and unprecedented engagement with the University.

KPMG report on lessons learned

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