Institute for Learning
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IfL offers a broad welcome and a reservation to report on teacher training in vocational education

The Institute for Learning (IfL) broadly welcomes the Skills Commission's report into "Teacher Training in Vocational Education", but says that some of the recommendations need further scrutiny. The report, launched on 23 February 2010, includes evidence given by organisations and individuals across the learning and skills sector, including IfL, to an inquiry undertaken by the Skills Commission. The report says that the supply of expert vocational teachers must increase to match the growing demand for high-quality vocational education.

Toni Fazaeli, chief executive of IfL, said, "This report was clearly fuelled by fiery enthusiasm and a passionate commitment to the profession of teaching and to vocational education, which we share. We wholeheartedly support the plaudits given to teachers and trainers across further education and skills – our members – and their important contribution to 14-19 education and to reconstructing our knowledge economy.

"We were especially pleased to see IfL's continuing professional development (CPD) framework being singled out as a sound model that could be applied to the wider teaching profession. We also agree that vocational teachers should be accorded high status and parity with teachers of other subjects across the further education and schools systems, and that FE teachers with Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) should be able to teach in schools. We support the recommendations to extend the master's degree in teaching and learning (MTL) to FE teachers, and that mentoring should be included in Ofsted's framework for college inspections. The importance given to research, CPD and dual professionalism is good to see.

"We do, however, have reservations about some of the report's 26 recommendations, one of which relates to the concept of 'a universal QTS' as an overarching teaching qualification. The term 'convergence' suggests a single route to becoming a qualified teacher with full professional status, which we do not believe to be the right solution. We would rather explore a framework that leads to a more comprehensive ‘professional teacher status’, offering flexibility and transferability to ensure that we retain the distinctive features of our further education and skills sector and the importance of vocational routes into the teaching profession in our sector.

"Success breeds success, and first we must succeed in creating a ready route for FE teachers with QTLS to teach in schools as recognised qualified teachers. In these straitened times, we do not believe that it is right for the government and sector agencies to rapidly commit resources to grander architecture or re-engineering policy landscapes. We want 2010 to be the year when some teachers with QTLS can teach in a school setting the courses, and sometimes the same young learners, that they already teach successfully in FE college and work-based learning contexts. IfL will work with other agencies to make sure that some of our members with QTLS are the pioneers, bringing their expertise in teaching vocational subjects into schools to benefit more young learners."

1. The Skills Commission's report, "Teacher Training in Vocational Education", was published on 23 February 2010 and is available to download at

About IfL

The Institute for Learning (IfL) was formed in 2002 and is the professional body for teachers, tutors, trainers and student teachers in the further education and skills sector, including adult and community learning, emergency and public services, FE colleges, the armed services, sixth-form colleges, the voluntary sector and work-based learning.

All FE college teachers and trainers working in LSC-funded provision are required to register as members of IfL, undertake continuing professional development (CPD) each year and abide by the IfL Code of Professional Practice.

As a key partner in delivering workforce reform, IfL is responsible for managing the registration process, monitoring teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD) and for conferring licensed practitioner status – Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) or Associate Teacher Learning and Skills (ATLS).The standard membership fee of £30 is paid by individuals, or by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) for teachers and trainers working in LSC-funded provision, as an investment in professionalism.

An independent professional body, IfL is governed by an elected Council and works closely with several sector organisations, unions and employer bodies.


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