Lifelong Learning UK
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Want to know more about Career Guidance?

Over the twelve months since Career Guidance became part of the Lifelong Learning UK footprint, we have done a lot of work that will help us support the career guidance workforce across the UK.

We have set up a panel of employers and stakeholders across the UK who can advise us on behalf of the sector, and created a Sector Skills Agreement and Sector Qualifications Strategy for the career guidance sector.

We have also been mapping this area of lifelong learning in detail, to find out more about the workforce - who they are, what roles they do and any skills needs they may have.

The Occupational Map for Career Guidance describes the main features and characteristics of the sector, providing an overview of the types of occupations and job roles in this area, trends affecting the workforce, education and qualifications available and opportunities for career progression.

The Functional Map for Careers Guidance supports our ongoing review of standards and qualifications and lays out all the functions that must come together to deliver effective career guidance services.

Both of these pieces of work offer an important insight for individuals and organisations working in Career Guidance, as well as those who wish to understand it better.

They also provide essential background to our future work, which, in the coming year, will include fully revising the National Occupational Standards for Career Advice and Guidance.

For more information about all our Career Guidance work, visit our website at

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