Lifelong Learning UK
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New qualifications for people delivering career guidance to adults

We have been working with those in the career guidance sector to develop a set of new qualifications. Aimed at those delivering career guidance to adults in England, this framework of three new qualifications will help to train staff and encourage progression within the sector.

The framework of qualifications has been developed following a huge amount of consultation with those working in the sector. Detailed research into existing qualifications and the needs of employers have also been integral to their design.

The three new qualifications - a level three award and two diplomas at level four and level six - will replace existing National Vocational Qualifications with unit based awards that recognise the specialist knowledge and understanding of labour market information and career guidance theory that practitioners need.

The framework also takes into account provision of continuing professional development (CPD), as our research demonstrated how importantly employers viewed CPD, voicing a need for greater recognition and support of this.

Although the qualification framework has primarily been developed to meet the needs of practitioners who will be working within the new Adult Advancement and Careers Service in England, the nature of the units mean that they could be used much more widely and are appropriate for anyone providing career information, advice or guidance.

The units of all the qualifications on the framework are now available on the Qualifications and Credit Framework.

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