WGPlus (Archive)
Be ‘proactive’, not ‘reactive’ when protecting your website |
The NCSC has come up with 4 simple & free measures for government departments to improve basic cyber security, which are ready to be implemented immediately by departments & their arm’s-length bodies. None of them require additional money to implement. Nor are they overly technically complex to implement. The 4 measures in lay person’s terms are: *Blocking bad stuff from being accessed from government systems (Protected DNS) *Blocking bad emails pretending to be from government (DMARC anti-spoofing) *Helping public bodies fix bad things on their website (WebCheck) *Removing bad things from the Internet (phishing and malware mitigation) |
Researched Links: |
NCSC rolls out free and easy steps to improve public sector cyber security Let us hope that they act proactively this time techUK: British Retail Consortium launches cyber security toolkit The Hacker Hardened Public Sector Enterprise: Practical Steps to Real Cyber Security One-Click Website Vulnerability Healthcheck: How Safe & Secure is Your Website? |