Business and Other Briefings (Archive)

Cabinet Office:  Government commits to civil service excellence with new learning & development contract

HM Treasury:   Chancellor: We're backing British film industry

BIS:  Building apprenticeships in transport sector at heart of government infrastructure investment plans ~ Crown Commercial Service supports Government's apprenticeships pledge ~ BIS issues 'Update on the implementation of the EU Audit Directive & Regulation')

DWP:  2,000 starts by young people every week into work experience or sector-based work academies

CLG:  Coastal Communities Fund promotes over 10,000 jobs, training places & apprenticeships – (CLG:  Enterprise zones boom with thousands of new jobs attracted this year)

New Insolvency Service publications

GDS Blogs:  Defra's opening up its data

CESG:  Certified Cyber Security Consultancy - changes to the Consultancy standard and details of the assessment process)

'Twin-engined' recovery on track - CBI economic forecast – (CBI:  Incentivise savers to boost investment for mid-sized firms ~ Retail sales growth steady ~  CBI:  30 hours free childcare ~ Healthy growth across the board in service sector)

More must be done to tackle the gender pay gap, says TUC ~ Women's work? Latest pay gap data reveals women work for free 1h 40m a day ~ TUC calls for urgent enquiry after back-to-work deaths revealed)

CCS:  Proposals published to simplify, speed up & save money on procurement – (CCS:  Big opportunities for small firms: government set to spend £1 in every £3 with small businesses)

ScotGov:  Energy efficiency fund will help thousands – (Broadband help for rural communities ~ Business pledge)

WAG:  £7m EU-backed project to tackle unemployment amongst over 25s – (Funding boost for aerospace supply chain companies ~ £5.7m Welsh Government investment into clinical research & development)

Skills Funding Agency:  Make your views heard: BIS apprenticeship levy consultation – (Skills Funding Agency:  Funding Reform & Localism Steering Group)

techUK's Top Reads for the Public Sector Tech Market – (techUK:  New Government target for SME spend announced)

ESPO:  Procurement Frameworks Catalogue published

ICO:  Consumers concerned about how their personal details are shared, survey shows

Revenue & Customs Brief 14 (2015): VAT - compulsory charge on single-use carrier bags in England

How Lambeth Council undertakes effective know your citizen (KYC) / ID checks to prevent fraud