BEIS: Scottish employers to repay employees thousands – (BEIS: Government leads energy charge across public sector, saving up to £340m )
DIT: Open call for sponsors & partners for the World Expo 2020 Dubai, UAE – (International Trade Secretary meets US Commerce Secretary ~ DIT: UK & Ukraine welcome progress on trade relationship ~ DIT: £130m international investment in UK automotive sector ~ DIT: 'Bytes and Mortar’ construction revolution to build 50% quicker ~ DIT: Minister in South Korea and Vietnam to discuss surging trade relations with Asian partners )
DExEU: Robin Walker: Securing the future of MRPQ
UK Visas & Immigration - New scheme for overseas researchers to come to the UK
NIC: Date set for UK’s first-ever National Infrastructure Assessment – (NIC: New report highlights significant potential to boost cycling in Cambridge & Oxford ~ NIC: Exhibition opens to showcase ideas for developing the Growth Arc )
DfT: New Competition - 'Airport Vehicle Checkpoint Screening' – (DfT: HS2 Phase 2b eastern leg rolling stock depot location announcement )
Defra: Government launches new plans to stamp out the illegal wildlife trade ahead of landmark UK conference – (Defra: Agreement signs development of new livestock traceability service ~ Defra: Golden opportunity for Scottish fishing industry ~ Defra: Ivory ban could protect hippos, walruses and narwhals )
HM Treasury: Best of East Midlands business lauded by Robert Jenrick – (HMT: Liz Truss encourages West Midlands independent businesses to embrace export opportunities )
HMRC: Record number of fake HMRC websites deactivated – (HMRC: UK ratifies global treaty to tackle illegal tobacco trade ~ HMRC: Tax chiefs unite to tackle international tax crime ~ HMRC: Record 22,400 minimum wage workers to receive £ms in backpay )
DCMS: Fund manager wanted to administer £3m Northern Cultural Regeneration investment – (DCMS: UK and France to strengthen ties in AI and data )
ScotGov: City deal – (ScotGov: Japanese multinational signs Scottish deal )
WAG takes multi-sector trade mission to Brazil – (WAG: Over £1m to promote Welsh seafood at home & overseas post-Brexit ~ WAG: £2.3m EU funding to boost financial services & data science talent pool ~ WAG: Temporary relaxation of Glastir obligations to help farmers during current dry weather )
Planning Inspectorate: Wylfa Newydd nuclear power station - Registration opens to make a representation
UK Space Agency: UK space sector set to benefit from new European Space Agency contract
PC&PE: VAT - Too many online traders still not paying fair share
Innovate UK: Evaluating new medical technologies - apply for business funding – (Innovate UK: Bed bugs project is among 53 business ideas to receive funding ~ Innovate UK: UK cyber security firm joins new scale-up centre )
Met Office: Scientists research fury of Maritime Continent’s weather
Ofwat: Severn Trent and Dee Valley licence changes to take effect following NAV applications – (Ofwat announces changes to PR19 methodology )
CCW: Some water retailers risking customer backlash on complaints
Food Standards Agency: Listeriosis cases linked to frozen sweetcorn ~ FSA: Precautionary advice on cooking frozen vegetables following Europe-wide listeriosis outbreak
Food enzymes: EFSA launches DIY exposure tool – (New guidance on nanotechnologies in food & feed )
Residential Landlords Association (RLA): Landlords welcome tax incentives for longer tenancies ~ MHCLG: Longer tenancy plans to give renters more security
Collaborate: Place-based working in Scotland
NDA: Magnox Limited to become a Nuclear Decommissioning Authority subsidiary
Crown Commercial Service: Thousands of small businesses lined up for G-Cloud 10
techUK Event: The Data Ask - Start-ups in Intelligent Mobility – (techUK: Home Office Publishes Biometrics Strategy ~ techUK: MCPD and Specified Generator Controls )
CBI/PwC: Financial services activity stable in second quarter of 2018 – (CBI comments on Construction Sector Deal ~ CBI: UK firms must break class ceiling & make this the decade of social mobility )