Business and Other Briefings (Archive)

BIS:  Dads urged to consider Shared Parental Leave – (BIS:  From the Northern Powerhouse to global trade ~ BIS:  UKAEA apprentices win 2016 Brathay Apprentice Challenge)

ScotGov:  Brown - UK Gov must do more on oil & gas exploration – (ScotGov:  Returning to work ~ ScotGov:  Teacher training for oil & gas workers ~ ScotGov:  £1.5m for offshore wind ~ ScotGov:  New markets for meat)

WAG:  £1.5m Glastir Small Grants Scheme to open – (WAG:  Inward investment in Wales continues at record levels ~ WAG:  Minister applauds women in engineering ~ Fans encouraged to enjoy the Visit Wales stand in Paris)

ICO:  Consumers taking action over mistrust of organisations handling personal data

Ofgem:  Decision document on DPCR5 closeout methodologies

CBI: Manufacturing conditions showing signs of stability – (CBI comments on UK vote to leave the EU)

CAB:  4.5m people in insecure work

IPPR:  Reform to skills system needed to boost Scotland’s job recovery

CIPD:  National Living Wage likely to temporarily boost earnings, but weakening employment growth is not just about the uncertainty of EU Referendum - (CIPD:  Two thirds of employers are either opposed to or in the dark over Apprenticeship Levy ~ CIPD responds to EU Referendum ‘leave’ decision and what it may mean for the world of work)

CMA guides businesses on online competition law

Insolvency Service:  Changes to the Official Receiver’s Bank Account details

Nuclear Decommissioning Authority:  New weather envelope completed at Bradwell, Essex

Ofgem consults on commitments from SSE

Skills Funding Agency:  UKAEA crowned apprentice team of the year

Innovate UK:  Improving farming with satellites - business projects win funding – (Innovate UK :  Innovation in waste remediation: apply for business funding)

techUK:  UK risks being left behind in low carbon market

Met Office:  Workers lose 29m days each year to hay fever

Dstl:  Supporting National Women in Engineering Day 2016

Food Standards Agency:  National Food Crime Unit launches ‘Food Crime Confidential’

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide