WGPlus (Archive)

But what about the digitally excluded?
Improving the quality of adult social care visits, introducing live web chat for council taxpayers and an app that saves £20,000 in a year are just 3 examples of ways councils are using digital tools & solutions to improve services and cut costs.
Researched Links:

LGA:  Councils go digital to improve services and save money

LGA:  Communities share £560,000 for digital projects

Britain must do more to tackle ‘virus of social isolation’ says Commission

Ministers to highlight importance of digital inclusion at British-Irish Council on Isle of Man

Digital Britain 2: Putting users at the heart of government’s digital services

Digital Britain 2

Digital Inclusion Strategy: helping everyone to get online

techUK welcomes the Local Digital Leadership Report

Council websites show marked improvement in mobile and accessibility performance in annual Better Connected assessment

Doing the hard work to make accessibility simple

Deal on rules to help elderly & disabled people access online public services

New Local Digital Coalition announced

Socitm outlines key role for Local Digital Coalition in extending GDS ‘government as a platform’ to local public services

Mayor, whatever you want to do, data can help you do it better

Transforming Government Download the eBook today Delivering for citizens with a sense of place