Charity and Voluntary Sector (Archive)

BIG:  Lottery gives green light to new beach wheelchair loan scheme

CAB:  Government must ‘learn from mistakes’ of welfare reforms – (CAB - Financial abuse going “under the radar” ~ Patients waiting more than 2 weeks to register with a GP – CAB urges GPs to use online registration and open-up catchment areas to increase access)

Homeless Link:  Lack of understanding amongst policy makers is leaving the most vulnerable at risk – (HL:  Introducing the Change Account - a step towards financial inclusion, designed to help people who have been financially excluded to get in control of their finances)

DCMS:  Minister outlines priorities in first major speech

Sport England:  This Girl Can returns with a big bang – (Celebrating the projects behind Sport England’s  funding milestone ~ Seven sports volunteering myths debunked)

DfE:  Funding for rugby coaches to build character & resilience in pupils

techUK partners with Prince's Trust to help disadvantaged talent 'Get into IT'

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