CAB: Women & parents driving growth in part time self-employment
Charity Commission: New charity investigation: Life Line Missions – (Charity Commission: Sarah Atkinson speech at Fundraising Week, 20 April 2016 ~ Charity Commission: High Court rules Cup Trust Gift Aid claim can be withdrawn ~ Charities encouraged to take part in Financial Action Task Force consultation on protecting charities against terrorist abuse)
Home Office: Charity regulator welcomes High Court decision permitting withdrawal of £46m tax claim
HMRC: Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme
Cabinet Office: Fundraising Week 2016: Keynote Speech – (Cabinet Office: Buy Social Corporate Challenge: Connecting business with social enterprise)
Ofgem: Statement on E.ON's Age UK tariff – (Charity Commission: Commission publishes report on Age UK ~ Age UK response to the Charity Commission & Ofgem reports)
Cancer Research UK: Gene editing could stop cancer cells escaping the immune system
Homeless Link: Nowhere Fast - the reality of unsupported temporary accommodation
VAPC: New study examines homelessness among London’s Veterans
FCO: Sport Relief Mile 2016 - Kazakhstan