Consultations (Archive)

HM Treasury:  Tax deductibility of corporate interest expense – (closes on 14 January 2016)

MMO:  UK & English quota management rules consultation 2016 – (closes on 21 January 2016)

techUK:  Women in Technology Survey – (Survey closes 31 January 2016)

Review of Ofcom’s party election broadcast regulations – (closes on 4 February 2016)

NDA:  Input sought on draft strategy & business plan – (closes on 15 February 2016)

DWP:  Communications for people who are deaf or have hearing loss: market review - (call for evidence closes on 4 March 2016)

HMT:  Consultation on National Infrastructure Commission launched - (closes on 17 March 2016)

WAG:  New measures to tackle substance misuse in Wales - (closes on 30 March 2016)

Additional Consultations:  Readers should be aware that many consultations are never publicised with a press release, so do not appear in either the email alerts or WiredGov Plus.  Many of these consultations (& subsequent conclusions) can be found at the following links:

GOV.UK ~ Current ScotGov ~ Recently added WAG ~ NIA

Please note that consultations continued to be published during the WGPlus Christmas break (ex. GOV.UK:  70+ consultations)

How Lambeth Council undertakes effective know your citizen (KYC) / ID checks to prevent fraud