Consultations (Archive)

Food Standards Agency:  Views wanted on D-ribose – (closes on 1 February 2016)

National Archives:  Help us develop services for academics & researchers – (closes on 11 February 2016)

DECC:  Consultation to encourage innovation – (closes on 11 February 2016)

WAG:  New t3-year plan to improve mental health services in Wales – (closes on 4 April 2016)

WAG:  New proposals to restrict zero hour contracts to improve quality of social care – (closes on 4 April 2016)

techUK seeks input from members on Apprenticeship Levy

Additional Consultations:  Readers should be aware that many consultations are never publicised with a press release, so do not appear in either the email alerts or WiredGov Plus.  Many of these consultations (& subsequent conclusions) can be found at the following links:

GOV.UK ~ Current ScotGov ~ Recently added WAG ~ NIA

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