Consultations (Archive)

CMA consults on draft Cement Market Data Order and undertakings - (closes on 11 March 2016)

NHS England:  Consultation on Specialised Services clinical commissioning policies & service specifications – (closes on 23 March 2016)

FSA launches consultation on eggs report – (closes on 1 May 2016)

Regulatory Policy Committee: latest consultation stage opinionsVaried dates of closure

Additional Consultations:  Readers should be aware that many consultations are never publicised with a press release, so do not appear in either the email alerts or WiredGov Plus.  Many of these consultations (& subsequent conclusions) can be found at the following links:

GOV.UK ~ Current ScotGov ~ Recently added WAG ~ NIA
Latest Survey: Budget Constraints Are Hurting Public Sector Talent Acquisition - Could AI be the Solution?