EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc. (Archive)

Green Week 2015 tackles declining biodiversity as new data reveals birds & marine life threatened with extinction

Experts: European Social Fund should support young people in different risk groups even more

NGO forum on implementation of global education into the curriculum of formal education

EC extends transitional period for capital requirements for banks' exposures to CCPs

European Citizen's Prize: honouring engaged Europeans

Latvian Presidency brings the empowerment of women & girls to the forefront of the European Development Days

EC asks public its views on EU's role in shaping international ocean governance

TTIP: more US market access, reform investment protection, retain EU standards

Syrian refugee crisis:  EU Trust Fund launches first response programmes for €40m helping up to 400,000 people in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq

Ministers adopt conclusions on digital transformation of European industry

Free movement:  new Commission report on mobility of Croatian workers

Eurobarometer: 9 out of 10 Europeans want EU to keep giving humanitarian aid

EU & Japan step up cooperation on 5G mobile technology and strengthen research & innovation collaboration

EU Council adopts European Research Area roadmap

EU & ACP countries bring together their opinions on post-2015 development financing

Stabilisation & Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina enters into force

Conference presents guidelines for the use of ICT in learning process

EU institutions provisionally agree on animal health measures

Zero tolerance for severe forms of labour exploitation needed, FRA study says

Development MEPs call for action to target tax evasion in developing countries

EC brings together non-confessional organisations to discuss “Living together and disagreeing well”

EU Ministers debate the future of organic agriculture

South Sudan's expulsion of UN aid coordinator and the worsening crisis in the country

How the majority of EU legislation gets created

European Parliament's relations with Russia

North & Atlantic seas fisheries progress to sustainability, serious overfishing in Mediterranean

EU launches new partnership to combat Undernutrition with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Commission replies to "Stop Vivisection" European Citizens' Initiative

Discussion on community development and developmental cooperation in Līgatne

EU-US Justice & Home Affairs meeting endorses Riga Statement for transatlantic cooperation in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Time for a better definition of the subsidiarity principle and a pre-legislative territorial impact assessment

ScotGov:  First Minister to set out case for Scotland remaining in EU

Weakening workers’ rights in the EU is playing with fire, warns TUC

CBI: Businesses want to see an achievable EU reform agenda

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