EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc. (Archive)

DExEU:  Start date announced for negotiations with European Commission ~ Joint statement by the DExEU and the EC

A stronger reshaped CAP can better serve farmers and the environment

PRAC concludes there is no evidence of a change in known risk of neutropenic enterocolitis with docetaxel

EU secures another important win in the WTO Boeing Dispute

EC seeks a mandate from Member States to negotiate with Russia an agreement on Nord Stream 2

EC welcomes the Council's commitment to improve information exchange & border management

Regulators in EU, Japan and US take steps to facilitate development of new antibiotics

Epidemiological studies & pesticides

EC opens in-depth investigation into Qualcomm's proposed acquisition of NXP ~ EC approves acquisition of Intrum Justitia by Nordic Capital, subject to conditions

Partnership Framework on Migration: Commission reports on result

EU redeploys the Election Observation Mission to Timor-Leste

European Agenda on Migration: EC calls on all parties to sustain progress and make further efforts

EC proposes more robust supervision of central counterparties (CCPs)

EU observatory for nanomaterials launched

CJEU: The principle of freedom to provide services guaranteed by EU law

30 years of 'Erasmus' exchanges abroad: EC launches mobile application to mark anniversary

CJEU: Making available & managing an online platform for sharing copyright-protected works

June infringements package: key decisions

EU boosts cooperation with key international partners to support its foreign policy objectives

EC opens formal investigations into Nike's, Sanrio's & Universal Studios' licensing and distribution practices

Inspections of ro-ro ferries: informal agreement with the European Parliament ~ Safer sea travel: deal with EP on digitalising passenger information

End of roaming charges in the EU: Joint statement by 3 EU institutions ~ Free roaming is a win for consumers however EU cities and regions want more to be done

Hazardous substances in electrical & electronic equipment

Security Union: 2017 EU Terrorism Report

Report on the state of EU-Jordan relations: towards a stronger partnership

Better protection for workers from cancer-causing substances

Passenger ship safety rules & standards: agreement with the Parliament

Eurogroup statement on Greece

ESMA publishes 2016 Annual Report

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