Republic of Senegal and Team Europe agree to build a manufacturing plant to produce vaccines against COVID-19 and other endemic diseases
Commission calls on Member States to build a more competitive and dynamic business services market
Providing protection through joint leadership: stepping up resettlement and complementary legal pathways
Taxation: Historic global agreement to ensure fairer taxation of multinational enterprises
Statement by President von der Leyen on the EU reaching the milestone of vaccine deliveries to vaccinate 70% of EU adults
Speech by President von der Leyen at the commemoration ceremony on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the massacre in Campo di Fossoli
A globally connected Europe: Council approves conclusions
Remarks by Commissioner Gentiloni at the Eurogroup press conference
EU and Ukraine kick-start strategic partnership on raw materials
OTB Ventures launches new $60m fund to back European businesses at the next stage of growth
Remarks by Paschal Donohoe following the Eurogroup meeting of 12 July 2021
EU priorities at the 76th United Nations General Assembly
New EU guidance helps companies to combat forced labour in supply chains
Recovery and Resilience Facility: Malta submits official recovery and resilience plan
Speech by President von der Leyen at the Rome W20 Summit
NextGenerationEU: European Commission raises further €10 billion in a successful third bond to support Europe's recovery
Council adopts a temporary ‘buy and donate’ VAT exemption
Press statement following the 4th meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina
State aid: Commission approves €2.5 billion Italian scheme to support self-employed and healthcare professionals in context of coronavirus outbreak
Statement by President von der Leyen on delivering the European Green Deal
Commission refers HUNGARY to the Court of Justice of the European Union for unlawfully restricting access to the asylum procedure
2022 EU budget: Council agrees its position
Air Quality: Commission decides to refer GREECE to the Court of Justice of the European Union over poor air quality
Remarks by Executive Vice-President Timmermans and Commissioner Gentiloni at the press conference on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and Energy Taxation
EU founding values: Commission starts legal action against Hungary and Poland for violations of fundamental rights of LGBTIQ people
Coronavirus: Over 3 million vaccines doses shared via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism
Statement by the European Commission on the decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal of 14 July
EU supporting Belgium with flood response
State aid: Commission approves €1.2 billion rescue loan; opens investigation into €3.2 billion Portuguese further restructuring aid in favour of TAP
COVID-19: Council adds Ukraine and removes two countries from the list of countries for which travel restrictions should be lifted
Statement by President von der Leyen on Ireland's recovery and resilience plan
Statement delivered by Commissioner Sinkevičius during the press conference on EU Forest Strategy