EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc. (Archive)

PC&PE:  EU Operation Sophia failing to disrupt people smuggling, says Committee

MEPs to go to Greece to check on refugees and implementation of EU-Turkey deal

17 stolen masterpieces recovered with support of Eurojust

Registration of asylum seekers residing in open reception facilities in the mainland will begin in the next few weeks

Green light for open access

Progress in science, medicine and health

Reduction of CO2 emissions from new vans slowed in 2015

Quantum Manifesto: ‘€1bn for European quantum computer’

EC adopts first Report on progress in the fight against trafficking in human beings

EU announces €19m on new support for women & girls' empowerment at ''Women Deliver'' Conference

Armenia joins Horizon 2020 to work with EU in research and innovation

Lumpy skin disease: strengthening regional prevention and control

Endocrine disruptors: motion of censure on the Commission lapsed

Meeting to set up a task force on illegal immigrant smuggling in the North Sea region

North Korea: EU adds 18 persons and one entity to sanction list

State aid: EC clarifies scope of EU State aid rules to facilitate public investment

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide