EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc. (Archive)

Ministers agree to introduce innovative, digital, inclusive & labour market-oriented higher education

techUK:  EU Council plans not to review 'overall coherence' of data protection regulation

Emissions trading: 2014 data shows emissions reduction

Pledge signed to mitigate human-related risks in cyber space

WAG:  Minister committed to helping farmers through SAF process – (WAG:  £25m EU backed tidal energy project attracts inward investment to Anglesey)

Wales Office:  Welsh business needs a reformed EU, says Secretary of State

EU Council adopts conclusions on reinforcing youth work

European Parliament agrees negotiating mandate for regulation of financial benchmarks

MEPs propose blueprint for safer healthcare

Better Regulation Agenda: Enhancing transparency & scrutiny for better EU law-making

MEPs debate the situation in Hungary, fundamental rights and EU values

UN Forum on Forests agrees on implementation of a more effective forest management

Financing for development: EU countries to stick to foreign aid commitments

Statement from the European Commission, ECB and IMF on Cyprus

Largest ever assessment draws a mixed picture for Europe's habitats & species

Maternity leave: MEPs urge Council to restart talks

Tougher rules on money laundering to fight tax evasion & terrorist financing

Olive trees: MEPs demand action to halt spread of killer bacteriand action to halt spread of killer bacteria

Conflict minerals:  MEPs ask for mandatory certification of EU importers

EU Member States will be able to receive larger advance payments under the Youth Employment Initiative

The DCFTA Facilities for SMEs

CJEU: Where can victims of an unlawful cartel claim compensation for their loss?

Decision under the Stability & Growth Pact

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan