EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc. (Archive)

PC&PE:  Contingency plans needed to protect UK science

CUL: Independent Review of HM Treasury’s two EU referendum models finds grossly exaggerated impact

CJEU: The UK can require recipients of child benefit & child tax credit to have a right to reside in the UK

EC adopts second Recommendation identifying steps to restore Dublin transfers to Greece ~ EC reports on progress made in the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement ~ EU adopts new measures to promote stability & combat the root causes of irregular migration ~ No EU visa-free travel for Turks, if rule of law is undermined, say MEPs ~ Increased efforts on resettlement & relocation must be sustained ~ Time to revise the EU long-term budget to boost growth and respond to migration crisis ~ Women refugees at high risk of being victims of gender-based violence ~ FCO:  Foreign Secretary attends EU Foreign Affairs Council ~ Plan to check EU citizens at external borders backed by civil liberties MEPs ~ MEPs ask EU to verify whether Turkey is shooting Syrians who try to cross border ~ Aid money is to foster development and not to stop refugees, MEPs warn ~ European Border & Coast Guard: Parliament & Council strike provisional deal ~ European travel document: MEPs & ministers strike informal deal

10 actions to help equip people in Europe with better skills

Ombudsman welcomes increased Humira transparency - but calls for more on global top selling drug

Single, central platform now mandatory for all periodic safety update reports

Belgium: The biggest lock in the world has opened its gates

Statement following the conclusion of the fifth post-programme surveillance mission to Ireland

EC approves Sysco's acquisition of Brakes

Climate Action: EU prepares the way for a quick ratification of Paris Agreement ~ Communication tools can foster greener behaviour ~ Ten EU countries continue to breach National Emission Ceilings Directive limits ~ EU-OSHA’s Annual report 2015: adapting to change and the risks & challenges this brings

Simpler property rules for international couples

Air Passenger Rights: EC wants better enforcement of rules ahead of summer holidays

Future of ACP-EU relations depends on stepping up parliamentary oversight

Users of chemicals: make sure your suppliers register your substances in time

Upgrading EU energy efficiency labelling: Industry MEPs amend draft EU rules

Stronger EU action to better tackle violent radicalisation leading to terrorism

Eight new product names protected as Geographical Indications ~ MEPs & ministers agree to beef up official food checks from farm to fork

EULEX Kosovo: mandate extended, budget approved

Dijsselbloem: concerns about flexible application Stability & Growth Pact rules

First round of EU-Mexico negotiations of the Global Agreement

The Investment Plan for Europe & Energy: making the Energy Union a reality

Mapping Europe’s quiet areas

Strengthening the ACP-EU Assembly to meet today’s global challenges

EC presents scientific criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in the pesticides & biocides areas

EU Council’s backing for a new regulatory framework of Money Market Funds

Conflict minerals: MEPs secure mandatory due diligence for importers

Andriukaitis: lack of awareness on antimicrobial resistance highlights the need to intensify EU action ~ Medical devices: Health Committee MEPs approve stricter EU safety requirements

Health Committee MEPs ask Parliament to veto energy drink “alertness” claims

No more excuses to ignore gender concerns – use our guide!

Eurogroup statement on common principles for strengthening pension sustainability

Illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol: EU extends sanctions by one year

New EU rules to promote high-quality audits take effect

EC injects €6.7bn into transport infrastructure to boost jobs and growth

Europe takes a joint stand against homophobia

Citrus black spot: new studies support EFSA advice

Action for urban resilience

EU ministers agree to implement the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)

EU to sign economic partnership agreement with Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda

BPA update: experts start immunotoxicity review

EC welcomes agreement reached by Member States on new rules to tackle tax avoidance ~ MEPs call for tax haven black list, patent box rules, CCCTB and more

EU member states agree to enhance international rail freight

New practical guide on access to justice in European law

International divorces: new rules on whose courts settle property disputes

Ending EU citizens' bank secrecy in Monaco

“Baltic plan”: first long-term fishing plan under new Common Fisheries Policy

MEPs call for more ambitious and consumer-focused energy targets beyond 2020

Microplastics and nanoplastics in food – an emerging issue

Palestinian President puts his state’s case to MEPs

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